Workshops and Training

leaf“The connections made by good teachers are held not in their methods but in their hearts – meaning heart in its ancient sense, as the place where intellect and emotion and spirit and will converge in the human self”
Parker Palmer

I specialise in designing and delivering awareness raising training on issues such as mindfulness, mental health and wellbeing, as well as courses and workshops for improving communication skills, developing self-confidence, becoming more assertive and creating effective relationships (in both personal life and in workplace settings).

Awareness-raising training is delivered informally, with an emphasis on supporting learners with self-reflection, increasing shared understanding and reducing barriers. Skills-based courses and workshops are focussed on experiential learning, with lots of opportunities to practice developing skills and then to reflect and learn from this process.

I use a variety of training methods, to meet a range of learning styles and I’m used to working with diverse groups of learners from all sorts of backgrounds. I believe that meaningful learning happens when there is an absence of threat – I’m committed to creating a learning environment which is founded on the principles of safety, respect and empathy.

I have a range of training courses and workshops ready for delivery, from half day Introduction to Mindfulness workshops, one day Mental Health Awareness Training sessions and four day Counselling Skills courses. I also enjoy creating bespoke programmes – please get in touch to discuss your ideas.

Organisations I deliver training and workshops for include: Swansea Carers Centre, Swansea Women’s Aid, Age Cymru Sir Gar, Swansea Council for Voluntary Service, Eastside Family Centre, Department of Adult Continuing Education, Swansea University and the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, Bangor University.


"We were all really encouraged to reflect on our experience in the workplace and to evaluate our actions.  This helped me to see my personal patterns in dealing with difficult situations.  I went away with new a understanding of myself - I now feel more confident about expressing myself at work." 

TM, Managing Difficult Communication at Work

"The course was fantastic - the tutor really encouraged me when I was going through an extremely difficult time in my life and she gave me back the tools I needed.  I've recommended this course to loads of other women who've been through similar things to me." 

BD, Confidence Building and Assertiveness Skills

"This course really opened my eyes to where the stigma and stereotyping around mental illness come from - I'm going back to my group with a new awareness of what people who experience this are going through." 

SH, Mental Health Awareness Training