Supervision for Mindfulness Teachers

What is Mindfulness Supervision?

Mindfulness supervision is unique, since practice is at the heart of the process that supervisor and supervisee are engaging in. Everything that takes place in supervision sessions occurs within a relationship of embodied presence and compassion. Essentially, we are embarking together on an exploration of your mindfulness practice and how you are integrating this into your teaching and your life.

What happens in Mindfulness Supervision sessions?

“Do you make regular visits to yourself?”

Supervision is a process through which you can open to exploring your own experience of mindfulness and begin identifying how themes emerging in your practice may also be echoing in your teaching. The Mindfulness-Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC) can offer a helpful structure for supervision sessions, enabling us to identify together strengths and areas for development in your teaching. We will be exploring your experience using Inquiry and reflecting on the insights that arise from this way of being with each other.

My intention in offering mindfulness teaching supervision is to provide a safe, confidential space which is infused with the attitudinal foundations of mindfulness, particularly as I recognise the vulnerability that often arises in exploring personal practice and how this links to teaching processes. For this specific reason, we will devote time to developing a trusting relationship and creating an environment in which we might look with curiosity and kindness at the material you bring to supervision, from our two different vantage points.

The Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses, developed by the UK Network of Mindfulness Teaching organisations, set out clear requirements for teachers of mindfulness-based courses to engage in regular, on-going supervision of their teaching. Mindfulness supervision is also a requirement for teachers who are embarking on the Teaching Pathway and intending to have their competence to teach assessed. I have a strong commitment to ethical practice – I offer feedback on both your areas for development and your strengths, in the context of maintaining the fidelity and integrity of the established eight week course programmes.

What about practical details like how often we meet and costs for supervision?

Sessions usually happen monthly, though we’ll explore exact timescale and frequency of appointments in the process of agreeing our contract. Supervision is offered by phone and Skype and sessions cost £50.00.